This site is under construction, but you can reach us at the link below.

Brings You

We sell online at ebay and etsy and also locally, but cannot yet take orders on this site.
We will be able to soon so check back. Thanks

Get your seeds here:

Golden Bantam Sweet Corn
Hickory King Sweet Corn

Truckers Favorite Dent Corn

South American Popcorn

Goliath Silo Corn

Traditional Flint (indian) Corn
Blood Red Flint Corn
Blue Dent Flint Corn
Shades of Blue Flint Corn

Burpee Stringless Green Beans
Kentucky Wonder Green Beans
Jack O'lantern Pumpkin
Beefsteak Tomatos

Mammoth Sunflower
Four O'clocks
Castor Beans
New Gem Tobacco

Notes on our Seeds           About Us

Contact us:The Crew